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Industry Data

Explore standardized metrics of microenterprise development organizations.

Learn whom microenterprise programs serve, what products and services they provide, and what it costs to serve entrepreneurs.

BOI conducts the US Microenterprise Census each year to collect standardized data on the activities, size and cost of microenterprise development organizations. Our dashboard below presents an overview of data findings for the industry. Use the “Customize Report” button to access and filter data from previous years or for sub-sectors of the industry. MicroTracker.org subscribers can access our more advanced analysis tools to dig deeper into the data.


























Analyze Industry Data

Explore standardized metrics of microenterprise development organizations.

Harness the power of data. MicroTracker.org makes it easy to analyze data from more than 600 US microenterprise programs. Create side-by-side comparisons of microenterprise programs from across the country, or explore metrics for different segments of the industry. You can also drill down to individual states or types of organizations, or view data based on indicators you specify grouped into categories of scale, demographics, costs and efficiencies. For example, you can examine data on rural programs that serve primarily low-income clients, or mature organizations serving urban areas.

  • Size & Diversity

    How many entrepreneurs are microenterprise programs serving? How many microloans are on the street? What is the profile of a microenterprise program’s entrepreneurs?

  • Microfinance Volume and Performance

    How risky are microloans? How well are microfinance organizations managing the risk in their lending portfolios? What difference does geography, budget size or focus on low-income clients make on your lending portfolio?

  • Business Development Services Volume and Performance

    What type of business development services (BDS) are being provided to entrepreneurs? How much assistance is provided and how successfully?

  • Program Cost and Sustainability

    Is microenterprise development cost effective? How much does it cost to make a microloan or assist an entrepreneur—or a prospective entrepreneur? How do costs compare across programs serving different populations or geographic regions?