Learn from our how-to guides, which provide step-by-step guidance on how to use microTracker to compare your organization to peers and the national microenterprise industry.
A guide that illustrates a step-by-step process that organizations providing business development services can use to generate benchmarking data on the microTracker site.
View pages 20 to 24 of this guide, which outlines analyzing key program-level and entrepreneur outcomes data.
Do you want or need data on microenterprise client outcomes? This guide provides detailed guidance on how to use microTracker’s online EntrepreneurTracker client outcomes data to answer frequently asked questions such as: Do businesses assisted by microenterprise organizations grow, survive, and create jobs? Are business owners better off?
A guide that illustrates a step-by-step process that organizations engaged in microlending can use to generate benchmarking data related to lending on the microTracker site.