Currently Viewing: 2016 Reporting Data

  • Provides Microenterprise Loans No
  • Other Microfinance Types
    • Individual Development Accounts (IDAs)
  • Tracks Credit Scores Yes
  • Reports Borrower Credit Performance No
Other Financing Products
  • Small Business Loans No
  • Leverage Package or Guarantee Loans? Yes
Services Provided
  • Training and Technical Assistance (TA) Services
    • Business Training (group based instruction)
    • Business Technical Assistance (one-on-one assistance)
  • Business Development Services
    • Coaching/Mentoring
    • Financial Literacy
    • Credit Counseling
    • Access to Market Services
    • Tax Preparation
    • Technology Services
    • Self-employment Assistance
Business Development Training
  • Number Receiving Training 125
  • Individuals Served 254
  • Clients Served 125
  • Businesses Served 13
  • Gender

    • Women - 100%
    • Men - 0%
    • Other - 0%
    • Unknown - 0%
  • Ethnicity

    • Mixed-race - 0%
    • African American/African-born - 68.9%
    • Latino - 13.39%
    • White/Caucasian - 3.15%
    • Asian/Pacific Islander - 0.79%
    • South Asian - 0%
    • Native American/Alaska Native - 0%
    • Other - 0.79%
    • Unknown - 12.99%
Business Status
  • Business Status

    • Operating - 5.12%
    • Not Operating - 37.4%
    • Unknown - 57.48%
General Program Info
  • Area Types Served
    • Urban
  • Member Associations
    • Not a member of a SMA
  • Organization Description
    • Human Service Organization
  • Geographic Area Served
    • Texas
  • Geographic Area Served Description Dallas County and surrounding counties
  • # FTEs 3
  • Individuals Served per Full-Time Equivalent Staff 84.67
  • Clients Served per Full-Time Equivalent Staff 41.67

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